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The Sellamillion de Adam Roberts

The Sellamillion de Adam Roberts

SKU : 65
3,90€ Prix original
1,17€Prix promotionnel

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So The Lord of the Rings swept the Oscars—all the more reason to continue to tweak, spoof, and lampoon the cult of Tolkien. Despite its title, The Sellamillion isn’t a satire of The Silmarillion; how could it be? Though every one of the author’s fans has a copy on the shelf, on the shelf is where it’s stayed; almost no one actually managed to read past page three. The fun here lies in the parody of everything Tolkien created as he worked on his famous trilogy: The History of the Elderly Days. Early missing drafts of the novels. Correspondence between the writer and publisher on whether the magic talisman should be a Bellybutton Stud of Doom rather than a Ring of Power. And, most hilarious of all, an experimental version of Lord of the Rings in the style of Dr. Seuss. Whether you love the original trilogy and (maybe especially) if you hate it, this will have you laughing non-stop. propose de nombreuses catégories de livres:  pour enfants, Bd, Mangas, Comics, magazines pour la jeunesse et adultes, ouvrages sur les courants pédagogiques, ouvrages ludiques, de formation, de loisirs et d'animation, ainsi que des romans policier, thriller, fantastique, SF, fantasy, classique, sciences, santé, bien-être, développement personnel, médecines du monde, divination, ésotérisme, surnaturel, franc-maçonnerie, templiers, de l'océan Indien, de l'Art de la table, cuisine ... 

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  • Editions


  • Collection


  • Format

    16 x 12.5 cm

  • Nombre de page

    285 pages

  • Infos complémentaires

    Salissures sur tranches du livre
    Tache d'humidité sur pages de garde

  • Etat

    Bon état

  • Date


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